
The Bell Witch Part One

Every good Tennessean knows about the Bell Witch. Books have been written about it and movies have been made retelling it. Heck, when I was ... Read more


His name is Howdy. At least, that’s the name that was given to him by some fraternity brothers decades ago. In the year that I ... Read more

Attitude check  

Todd Barrier   Have you checked your attitude lately? Many of us seem to adopt the same type of attitudes in many areas of our life ... Read more

The old truck keeps running

A. Ray Lee   Columnist  I saw the old Jeep pickup again. The last time it had been sputtering along belching a miasma of smoke and ... Read more

Christmas catalog

From the start, let me just say that I know there will be Scrooges that are irritated that I am writing about Christmas in early ... Read more

Time Machine 

I got on the interstate and headed north. Before long I was in Tennessee, and shortly after that I was in Nashville. A few more ... Read more

You’re invited  

Todd Barrier   Have you ever invited anyone to church? Was it intimidating? Was it nerve wracking? Was it successful? Statistics show that outside of people ... Read more

Feeling old

Most days I don’t really feel all that old, and I guess compared to Jimmy Carter and Methuselah I could be considered a spring chicken, ... Read more

Do not grow weary

A. Ray Lee Columnist On a recent Saturday when the temperature was hovering around 99 degrees with a heat index nearing 110, I opened heavy ... Read more

Are you shining brightly? 

By Todd Barrier It has been hot this summer. Really hot! We have weather apps, meteorologists and amateur weather gurus to tell us how the ... Read more

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